Pauline & Steve's Music

Welcome To Pauline & Steve's Music
Vinyl Records, CD, DVD, Cassette, Music Video and much, much more!
The internet has made the world a much smaller place and record collectors can now locate items much more easily. Our website has been formed so that like minded people can find each other with the aim of trading wanted records, music memorabilia and all sorts of music related items. At the moment we are focused primarily on vinyl records, singles from the 1950's, 1960's, 1970's and 1980's. This is simply because we ourselves have been record collecting for the last 30 years, have these items on hand already and we have some knowlege of them.

As time progesses we hope for this site to become a haven for collectors of just about anything music related, with the use of noticeboards that will attract visitors from all walks of life. So really what appears on the site in the future will depend mostly upon you the visitor and your input.

If you are interested in the Beatles there is some information about their visit to my home town of Bournemouth including autographs from the Palace Court Hotel where the photograph for the Beatles second album was taken.

This site is being developed, we hope to be operational by the start of 2013